Sunday, April 4, 2010

4/1/2010 April Fool's Day

Today was a beautiful day in East Wenatchee and since I had left Christie to fend for herself with two year old Alice for a couple of days while I enjoyed Phoenix, we had to get out of the house, so we took Alice to an elementary school to play on the playground there. We actually took her to gymnastics first, only to find out they were closed for Spring Vacation. Since Alice was so excited to "jumpy jumpy" we headed to the playground so she wouldn't be too disappointed. After that we went to lunch where I found a new way to get in some mileage while I am working. Right before we were to head into lunch, I was reminded that I needed to be in on a conference call for work. Since I didn't want to go into the restaurant and talk on my cell phone, I stayed outside in the parking lot and paced around during the call. I'd say that was a creative way to get in some walking. I walked for the 20 minutes I was on the call. Add to that the rest of the day with a 2 year old, and I had plenty of exercise. I might try the walking and talking routine next time I have to make a conference call. Much better than just sitting on my duff!

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