Sunday, April 4, 2010

3/28/2010 Finally a Good, Real Walk!

Today after everyone on the moving team left, Christie, Lindsey, and Alice and I (and their dog Buck) went for a walk on the Loop Trail. We walked a total of 2.57 miles in just under an hour. It was a quick 10 minute walk from Lindsey's new house to the trail head. Since we had Alice in the jogger stroller, we opted to head on a northern route on the trail which seemed less hilly than the other way. Not sure if that is really true, but we managed just fine. The Loop Trail is really very nice and paved, which is a great benefit when you have a stroller. It was also nice for me, too, because with the stroller, we didn't get going too fast. It was a bit cool out, but Alice didn't seem too bothered by it, and although we started her out with a hat, gloves, and blanket, soon she had them all off. She held up very good for sitting in a stroller for an hour. She especially liked seeing and hearing the birds. Buck was also pretty well behaved and stayed fairly close to us when we allowed him off the leash. I look forward to lots more walks on this trail now that Lindsey and Carl live so close to it. here's our route today:

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