Thursday, April 15, 2010

4/15/2010 TipToe Through the Tulips

What a beautiful walk tonight! Two miles around and through the tulip fields. These fields this year were less than 10 minutes from my house and are really quite something to see.  There are two separate fields, one with red and yellow tulips, the other with pink and purple tulips with a bit of red added. White tulips in that field have yet to bloom.
It was very sunny this morning when I got up, but by mid afternoon a rain squall went through. I waited it out, and didn't go for my walk until almost 6 PM, and by then the sky was blue, the sun was out and it was in the mid 60s. It was a glorious night for a walk. I walked all around both fields; didn't break any speed records as it took me an hour, but I got in two miles of walking.  It would have been a lot faster if I hadn't stopped multiple times for pictures. I think if you look at my data on AllSport's Trimble application, I actually only walked 50 minutes; the other 10 I was taking pictures.  ISTE is having a photo competition where you take a picture of Stanley the Blue Bear and submit it, so I took Stanley with me tonight to the fields.  Here he is in the tulips:
It looks like it will be a fun competition; I think I'll take him with me to Denver and Chicago next week. 
I haven't been out to the tulip fields for a very long time; too many people and bad traffic; so the locals sort of avoid it all and as we all do with things in our own backyards, take it for granted.  However, it was really nice to just spend an hour walking alone in the fields and admiring the color. Photos really don't do it justice.
Here is my route today: 

4/14/2010 Padilla Bay Dike Trail

My friend Christie walked with me today. We did a 3 mile out and back on the Padilla Bay Trail late this afternoon. It was a beautiful day and the tide was out. Ducks were everywhere and we saw a couple of heron, too. I noticed last time I was on the Port of Skagit trails that there were always 2 heron together, and today the same was true here. Wonder if that is the case always? Like mourning doves.  This heron was looking for some food, and although you can't see the colors in the picture, it made for a good shot with his reflection. His partner took off as we approached; they are pretty skittish around us humans.
Another thing we saw today was one of the fields along the dike being planted with some sort of crop. The crop had already started, so it was seedlings they were planting. It was pretty interesting to watch.
On the way back on the trail, about 15 bicyclists passed us. Must have been a riding club of some sort. Would be a nice bike ride on the trail, but I think you notice so many little things when you walk.

4/13/2010 Tommy Thompson Trail

Since I had a hair cut today in Anacortes, I decided to take my walk on the Tommy Thompson trail.  It was a gray day, and actually started raining a bit on my walk. I was dressed in street shoes, not good walking attire, but it didn't seem to impede my walk any. Right after you start out on this trail, from 39th street, you come upon a beautiful gated home with a caretakers house and all. No one I know seems to know who lives there; guess I'll have to check it out with my Anacortes connections. It truly is a gorgeous home, quite secluded if it weren't for the trail.  I saw heron, ducks, and even a rabbit today on my walk, but what I like best about this walk is that there is an area where the bay comes right up against the rocks and you can smell the salt water. It reminds me of growing up near the beach.  Another part of this trail goes through a wooded area, and once in there, you are protected from the wind and it is very peaceful.  This is really a nice walk. I did 2 miles out and back; I didn't go onto the trestle area this time. My route is here:

Monday, April 12, 2010

4/12/2010 Port of Skagit

I hope it doesn't appear that I am getting a bit lazy, but the Port of Skagit trails are so close to my house and offer such a variety that I walk them often. I worked all today until close to 4:00 PM and then took a nap, so didn't get out for my walk again today until almost 5:00 PM. I was going to walk the perimeter trail of the Port Trails, but I didn't see anyone else on the trails and as I was heading north, a stranger parked his car on the side of the road, sat there for a while, and then got out and came across to the trail I was on, and then headed into the woods. Since I have seen too many crime shows on TV, I opted at that point to turn around and stick to parts of the trail that were very public.  I'm sure it
was nothing, maybe he ran out of gas and was heading to the airport--I don't know--but it was strange.
As I was just starting my walk today, a heron flew right overhead and landed on the trail near me. They are the most graceful birds to see fly. He sat quite still for a long time, but as soon as I got too close, he took off. I ended up walking the lower loop near the eagle's nest, and did that loop twice in order to get some mileage in.  I ended up walking 1.5 miles all in all. It was very nice earlier today, and just as I drove up to the Port, it started sprinkling. Luckily it didn't turn into anything too bad, and it was quite mild for my walk. Something new I am noticing is all the new cones that are blooming on the evergreen trees. Some are pinkish, some are a bright green, and some are a bright brownish color. They really provide a great contrast in color in the woods. My route is here:

4/11/2010 Burlington Dike Trail

Today I worked around the house all day and didn't head out for my walk until after 5:00 PM. That's one of the great things about spring time--it stays late for so long. Earlier this year when I started walking, it was dark by 4:00 PM. Now I could conceivably walk until 8:00 PM. There was a soccer tournament going on at the fields that are set up along the dike. I was surprised to see so many people there so late on a Sunday night. As it was, it ended just as I was finishing my walk, and I was kind of put out by the traffic. How spoiled I am getting!  The river looks about the same, still pretty shallow in spots with sand bars showing. Actually, I think the sand bars are even a bit larger. Lots of people walking today and also down at the boat launch at the far side of the trail. It was quite nice out. 59 degrees when I started my walk, so I went in just my sweatshirt--wasn't counting on the wind, which was blowing pretty good on top of the dike. A bit chilly! Someday I'll figure out the weather.  My walk today was 2.57 miles.

4/10/2010 Port of Skagit

After sleeping in today and just enjoying being around the house a bit, I headed to the Port Of Skagit trails for a nice walk this afternoon. All the trees are starting to bloom; the birds were out singing, and it was a nice day for a walk. It felt good to be outside and back in the valley. I like the trail that goes past this wetland area, mostly because of all the birds that nest in here. If you walk through here in the early evening, you often see ducks flying in for the night, too, which is quite a sight to see. Not sure when the cattails bloom again--maybe in the fall?  I'll have to watch for that to happen. They have been dried up and dead since I started walking in January. I'm guessing this area will get prettier as the spring and summer progress. I can't believe I have been walking for 3 1/2 months already--pretty amazing.  Today's walk was the 2.2 mile route that circles the wetlands area. Like I said, good to be home!

4/9/2010 Flying Home

Finally home today! Got up at 4:00 AM EST to catch my flight, a nonstop from DC to Seattle. Everything was on time and went smoothly, except that i was stuck in a middle seat for 5 hours with no chance to get up. I did sleep for a good part of the trip, so it was okay. I made a point at the airport of walking up and down the corridors until my flight boarded, and at SeaTac i opted to walk to the Red Lion to get my car instead of using the shuttle. All in all today, I got in 1.63 miles of walking. I could have taken a nice walk when I got home at 1:30 in the afternoon, but I was pretty beat, and had only been home 1 day in the past 14 days, so I really didn't feel much like heading out. No pics today. But I am very glad to be home. I will be here for a whole week, which sounds great right now!

4/8/2010 Urban DC

Today I was in meetings all day at the Library of Congress, but between walking around that massive building, walking to and from lunch, and walking through the airport from my trip home, I managed to get in nearly 3 miles, 2.97 to be exact. No pictures since my camera was all packed away, and I would have looked sort of dumb walking around at lunch taking pictures--like a tourist--would have embarrassed the people I was with. This picture I took in February when I was there--none of the trees were in bloom then, and it was quite cold. The day before their blizzard hit, in fact. Now all the trees are in bloom and it's quite pretty. When I was done with my meeting, I headed to Regan National Airport, only to find out that my flight was delayed due to weather in both Atlanta and pending thunderstorms in the DC area. After determining that I was going to miss my connection in Atlanta, I opted to switch flights, stay in DC another night, and fly out tomorrow on a non-stop to Seattle. Then I called my former student, Brette, and met up with her and another friend for dinner. It was a good way to spend the evening. Good food, good friends!

4/7/2010 Washington, DC

Wow! What a day. They are having some sort of weird heat wave here right now--in the 90s for the 2nd day in a row. I could hardly wait for the workshop to get over with so my training partner, Jeff Miller, and I could get on to the city and see the cherry blossoms. We are here right in the middle of the cherry blossom festival time. The downside of this is that the pollen count here has skyrocketed, so not too good if you have allergies. Jeff and I headed first to the tidal basin area where lots of trees are still in bloom. We walked around the Jefferson Memorial area and down along the river, and then headed to the mall because Jeff hadn't seen the
WWII Memorial yet. It was a most beautiful night. Warm, but not terrible; humid, but not too bad. Lots of people out tonight, everywhere. We ended up being at the memorial right as the sun was setting, and the view of the Lincoln Memorial with the sunset behind it was spectacular. My picture doesn't do it justice. 
We also happened to be standing around just as the Presidential helicopters took off. We learned later that President Obama was on his way to Prague for a meeting. I looked up his agenda for the day, and my picture was taken at 7:22 PM; he was scheduled for departure from the White House at
7:15 PM, so it was definitely him. Very cool to see that!  There were two helicopters, so we don't know which one he was one, though. After we viewed the WWII memorial, we headed to the Washington Monument in hopes it was still open for tours, but alas, it closes at 5:00 PM. We had a great evening. Had appetizers of hotdogs from a street vendor. Dinner later at the hotel. All in all today, nearly 4 miles of walking. 3.98

4/6/2010 Crystal City

Today I flew to Washington, DC, via New York's JFK airport, so I had already done a bit of walking by the time I got to my hotel in Crystal City. I had three hours to kill at JFK, so I walked around some there. When I got to my hotel , it was a beautiful night, (in the 80s) and since I was also hungry, decided to go out and survey the neighborhood. This area of Crystal City was really hopping tonight, and I felt quite safe walking around. There were lots of other people out jogging and walking on the sidewalks as well as all the people in the restaurants. Two blocks here had one restaurant after another--Thai, Mexican, Italian, American, Chinese, and Pizza. Anything anyone could want. I walked for about 30 minutes of good aerobic walking around the neighborhood, headed to a CVC store for some supplies, and then ordered takeout at a Chinese restaurant for dinner back in my hotel room. All in all today I walked 3.5 miles.

4/5/2010 Leaving Home

Well, I wasn't home for even 24 hours and off I went today. I did have time to unpack, do laundry, repack, and pay bills, before I headed out again.  I was so busy I didn't take time out for my walk today at home, so as soon as I checked in at the Red Lion, I headed out for a walk along International Boulevard, down to 188th  (near the DoubleTree) and back again. I only ended up walking about 1.5 miles today, but it did feel good to get out and walk after being busy at the house all day.  I didn't want to venture very far tonight--this area is notorious for its streetwalkers. Not that I'd be mistaken for one with my jeans and sweatshirt on, but I didn't want to venture too far off the beaten path. I didn't get to the hotel until almost 9:00 PM, so it was dark tonight. No pics.