Sunday, February 14, 2010

2/14/2010 Padilla Bay Reserve

I had to follow the sun on this gray day. It rained pretty good through the night, but by early afternoon as I ventured out, I could see blue sky breaking to the north. I had gone to the recycling center and decided to go on for my walk from there. I ended up at the Padilla Bay Interpretive Center, and walked their Upland Trail. It is only a .8 mile loop, so I walked it twice.  I hadn't ever been up on this trail in the nearly 30 years I have lived here.  The trail goes uphill through a deciduous forest, then it breaks out into a meadow before heading back down through an evergreen forest. The trail is paved at first, then gravel, and as you can see in this photo, is just a mowed down area through a field in parts of it. It was pretty soggy in some parts.  I was hoping to see some wildlife, but alas, nothing but a couple of birds, and a frog or toad that I could hear, but not see.  This trail was good for me to walk with its uphill and downhill stretches, strengthening my quads a bit more than walking on level ground. My endurance is great for level walks; not so much for hills still.  This will be a nice walk to try each season. Hopefully I'll see more wildlife on it this spring or summer. You can see my route here:

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