Saturday, January 16, 2010

1/16/2010 Crossing Four States

This morning we started our adventure in Minnesota; 12+ hours later we arrived in Bozeman, Montana.  Thus my "walk" today was once again 32 minutes on a treadmill, 1.3 miles.  Other than that, today wasn't too active of a day as far as walking went. We headed out to get an early start on the roads; they seem to be better during the daylight hours--duh!  Besides that, since it was 14 degrees outside when we left this morning, it wasn't too condusive to walking.  Our first stop was in Mitchell, South Dakota, at the "world famous" Corn Palace. The entire outside of the building is decorated with corn.  We didn't go in, just hopped out to take a quick picture--can always say we have seen it now...

After that we drove on until Wall to visit the famous Wall's Drugstore, where we also had lunch. Now that's quite a place!  I decided that there is lots to see in South Dakota, at least that's what the gazillion billboards advertise as you fly down the freeway.  Maybe it's so you don't notice how boring the mile after mile of nothing is...We passed an exit to Laura Engel Wilder's home. I have to say that if I hadn't been in a hurry to get back to Seattle, I would have taken the exit and gone to see her  home.  We also passed dinosaur parks, and an "authentic" 1860"s town that looked pretty staged to me. 

We took 212 out of South Dakota into Montana; a very nice drive. Two lane highway, but through the Badlands area. Very nice scenerey. We also crossed  a frozen section of the Missouri River, seen in the picture below.

Eventually we made our way to Bozeman,and I headed to the treadmill at the hotel. Another day in the books!

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