Sunday, January 10, 2010

1/10/2010 Burlington Dike Trail

I had no idea how many trails there were around here. Today is day 10, and 10 different walks so far, all within about 20 minutes of my house. (Not counting the mall walk...) The trail I was on today is built on top of the dike that runs along the Skagit River through Burlington.  The trail guide said it was 2 miles round trip, but it ended up nearly 3...but we think we started in the wrong spot. No worries; my friend Susan walked with me today and time went by pretty quickly.  I remember thinking when I got home yesterday that I was going to go on a nice, easy 30 minute walk today, but once I get walking, time seems to fly by. The dike trails are very nice, wide and graveled. I was expecting it to be a bit muddy, but it was very dry. Hmmm. Actually, I think that's a good thing that dikes are dry--a soggy, wet dike wouldn't be very good for holding back water.  It was probably close to 50 degrees out today, and no wind, but definitely gray skies. As you can see in the picture, the river is lined with deciduous trees, so it will be quite pretty this spring, summer, and fall. Weather forecast calls for rain the next three days along with a high wind warning, sounds like a challenge to me!  You can follow my route here:

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