Thursday, June 3, 2010

6/3/2010 Animals everywhere!

What a gorgeous evening. Because of a busy schedule today, I didn't get my walk in until after 6:00 PM tonight, but I am so glad I waited until then. All sorts of animals were out at the port. I opted to take the trail along Ovenell because I knew it would be the driest of  all the routes. The birds were everywhere calling to one another. They have all migrated back home and are busy with their nests I think. Tonight I saw a black-capped chickadee, several more goldfinches, and my first killdeer. No babies around because it flew off when I approached--if they have little ones, they act wounded to draw you away from the nest. 
I also saw 9 rabbits along the trail. If you walk the trails there, look carefully in the underbrush along the trails, and you can see where the rabbits are tunneling in.  Most of them sat pretty still and didn't hop away when I took their pictures. I think they believe that if they freeze in position they are invisible or something.
Another thing I noticed today that I haven't ever seen was what seems to be the little buttercup flowers losing their pigmentation. They were a mix of yellow and white. Can't find any information about that though. As I was leaving the Port tonight, I spotted a Male Northern Harrier, sometimes called a Marsh Hawk. It's the first one I have ever seen. It is from the hawk family, but the male is mostly white on it's underside, with black tipped wings, and has an owlish face. At first I thought I might be seeing an albino or something, and then I did think it might be an owl as it flew towards me, but it was way too large and the wings looked more like a hawk. I looked it up when I got home. Very cool to see new birds.  On the way home I passed a pond and there were 6 red-winged blackbirds all perched on old cattails. It looked like they were having a party. Fun walk tonight!

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