Monday, February 22, 2010

2/22/2010 Home Again and Sun!

"I dreamed a thousand new paths. . . I woke and walked my old one."  Chinese proverb
I opted for the Port of Skagit Trails again today. I got home from Colorado at 2:00 AM this morning. Oh, my bed felt good. After accomplishing a few things this morning, I headed out for my walk a little after noon.  I did a nice combination of a couple of loops that totaled 2.8 miles, and walked about an hour. It was nice. I was alone today, the sun was shining, upper 50s, heaven! No coat necessary--just my sweatshirt today. Last night (or should I say this morning) when I drove home from Seattle, the half moon was shining brightly in the low sky. Today it was still there on my walk.
Sometimes I wish I had a microphone with me on my walks, because although I can take pictures of the scenery around me, and keep them for posterity, I can't save the sounds I hear on my walks.  Today I made a loop around the wettest area of the Port, filled with Cattails, and thus, birds and frogs.
 On one side of the pond I heard birds singing like crazy, and missed either a hawk or duck landing in the pond--all I heard was a huge splash. On the other side of the pond, I heard a chorus of frogs, but could see none. I thought they might stop when I approached, but they just kept on making their music. Maybe I can upload a video here one day with sound and picture. As I was heading down the last part of the trail, right near this pond, a young man passed me with his dog, a large black lab.  Suddenly I heard a huge splash and realized the dog had gone for a swim. At first I smiled to myself, knowing how much labs like the water, but then I wondered about all the wildlife in there. I suppose he won't hurt anything; he just wanted to swim; but I was glad I was able to walk through the area while it had been quiet and peaceful. You can see my route and data here:
Tomorrow my friend Christie and I are heading to Vancouver for the day to mingle with the Olympians!

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