Somehow I picked out 50 minutes today with no rain for a nice 2.2 mile walk at the Port. It was actually early evening when I headed out--a time when the birds seem to be quite busy. Just as there are new flowers blooming everywhere, different birds are beginning to appear--many of whom make their way south during the winter and return here for the spring and summer. Today I saw the Gold Finch again, in nearly the same spot, as well as a Purple Finch. I also saw many Barn Swallows darting everywhere. They would practically fly right at me and then fold in their wings and burst over my head. I am wondering if I was near their nests. They were very abundant along the trail that parallels Ovenell Road. I also saw, in the same area, what I think were Violet Green Swallows. Not sure about that, but they had a significant amount of white on them, and were definitely different than the barn swallows. That's one of the things I think I enjoy the most about my walks--the flowers and the birds. I enjoy listening to the birds, and wish I had a tape recorder with me to collect their sounds. I don't do so well walking fast because I am always stopping to look at something new along the way. Today I saw two rabbits on the trail too.
The other thing I saw a lot of today were slugs---everywhere. The trails were covered with them--all the little brown variety--not the yellow-green banana slugs. Lots of water on the trail today, too. Good thing I wore my waterproof trail shoes. Hoping tomorrow is a nicer day--might drive somewhere in my new car to go for a different walk. Here's my route:
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