Although it was gray day all day today, it didn't rain, and I was able to squeeze in a walk in the early afternoon. I had a little over an hour between conference calls, so I headed to the Port trails to get in a quick walk. My, but the birds were singing today! It was fun to listen to them. The swallows were darting around as they always do, and I saw two large hawks today in areas where I hadn't seen them before. They flew pretty close to me, and I am amazed at how large they were. New flowers seem to be appearing every time I walk in the area, and the green tips on the evergreen trees are really pretty now. New cones are starting to form also.

Both of the eagles were back at their nest today down on the lower loop. One was sitting on the nest--you can see make out his white head along the tree--and the other was sitting out a ways on another tree. They made quite a bit of noise as I approached, but you can't really get too close. The tree with the nest is very tall, and its way off the trail. In fact, you'd have to cross a creek to get to it, so I don't know what the eagles thought I was going to do. I am going to have to take my binoculars with me one of these days to see if there are eaglets in the nest. I read that they lay their eggs in mid-March to early April, and it takes them about 35 days to hatch, so if there are any in the nest, I should know pretty soon. I'll keep you posted. Here's my route today: 1.4 miles.
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