Sunday, March 7, 2010

3/7/2010 Tired Walker

Wow! Exhausted would be the word of the day. After sleeping nearly 10 hours, I awoke to gray skies and the prediction of rain for the next several days. Since I am heading back to Seattle tonight for a play, I decided to head out for my walk before it got too late or the rain began.  I did the upper loop at the Port of Skagit, 2.44 miles in 53 minutes. Not bad considering how worn out I am. Every time I sit on the couch, I move into a reclining position and fall asleep. It was actually quite peaceful out this morning, pretty quiet, not as many birds singing. Even on a gray Sunday, I passed (or they passed me) several people either walking or running the trails. The first animals I came across were the ducks and geese in the ponds near the old kayak shop. Someone drops food off for them along the road here quite frequently, and a few of them were eating when I approached, but quickly flew off. For having as many people around as there are at the port, the ducks sure are jittery of us humans. Every time I try to sneak in for a good shot, they all start quacking alarms and swimming away. Quite humorous actually. These two geese are pretty cool to see whenever I come this way, but hard to get a good picture.

On one area of the trail today I passed several spots where mushrooms were growing. I guess that's a testament to how little sunlight gets into that part of the trail.  I have no idea if they are the edible kind, and am not about to test them out. Here's my route today:
This coming Saturday I am walking in my first, of what I hope are many, fun run/walks this year. I will be walking the 2 mile walk/run of the Runnin' O' The Green in Bellingham. Looking forward to it.

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