Slept in a bit today, packed up, and headed home, but with a stop at REI in Seattle first for a new pedometer. Found one there exactly like the one I just lost. I am hoping my computer won't know the difference. I didn't get home today until close to 3:00 PM, and after having a bite to eat, I fell asleep for a little nap, a rare occasion for me. When I woke up, it was almost 5 and I decided to head out for a walk. It was a beautiful day, and I'm sorry I missed most of it. I drove up to the port trails, and oh, it was nice to be home. I was hit first with the crisp, fresh air. I didn't realize how I much I had missed the fresh air all the week in Seattle, especially being indoors most of the days. And then, since it was getting late in the evening, I was treated to a symphony from the birds, including crows and hawks, and the ducks and frogs. It was a great evening for a walk. Heading through the woods, I could smell the spring dampness and the moss, and as I walked along some of the grassy areas, that sweet smell of new grass. I sort of feel bad for city dwellers who miss these smells and sounds on a daily basis, let alone the sights. How lucky am I to live in such a great place. 2.5 miles today, at a bit of a slower pace, but I was busy drinking in the sounds and smells. My route is here: http://www.trimbleoutdoors.com/ViewTrip/636453
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