Tuesday, June 1, 2010

6/1/2010 The Tommy Thompson Trail

Last Friday they reopened the trestle portion fo the Tommy Thompson Trail, so I have been anxious to walk it. Las summer someone set fire to it, and it has been closed until the money could be raised (over $300,000) to repair it. I had walked on one portion of the trail on the Anacortes side, but not across the trestle, so that was my walk of the day. The route across the water from the refinery side to the campground on the other side of Fidalgo Bay is a nice 2 mile walk. The wind was at our backs going out, but coming back we were walking right into it. I imagine it's windy there all the time--after all, you are walking right across a bay. One couple was riding their bicycles and smiling away as they wind blew them along--wait until they come back.
The tide was way out today, so the seagulls were very busy eating clams. It is very interesting to watch. They fly around, dive down and grab a clam, then fly over the trail and drop the clam so the shell breaks. Then they land and enjoy their feast. How did they figure out how to do that? The trail is littered with shells on both sides, and we watched one seagull perform his little dining episode right in front of us. They do make a bit of a mess, though, because it seems they also use that opportunity to go the bathroom, too. Well, why not. Here's my route:  http://www.trimbleoutdoors.com/ViewTrip/744697 It looks better if you zoom in on it. Try satellite view also.

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