Monday, May 3, 2010

5/1/2010 Roller Rink Memories

I REALLY didn't want to go for a walk today. I REALLY didn't.  I was tired, slept until almost noon, and finally a little after 8:00 PM drug myself up and to the store for food. I hadn't thought about my walk all day, but once I was at Fred Meyer, I decided I might as well go for my walk, and did the entire block around the store. It was just over 1 mile around the block and took me about 25 minutes. Since it was getting pretty dark, this was an area where I felt safe walking, was fairly well lit, and had sidewalks.
I took this picture with my cell phone. Not sure what kind of tree it is, but thought it was really pretty the way the branches were solid with blossoms all across the top. It was near the grounds of an insurance office.

As I rounded the block behind Fred Meyer, I came upon the Skagit Skate Roller Rink. The back door to the rink was open, so I stopped for a couple of minutes to watch the skaters. Man did that bring back memories. In Hoquiam, where I grew up, we had the Harborena. All during junior high and high school, that was the place to be on the weekends.  It was a big old building at the base of a bridge; not in the best part of town. I don't even remember if there was any parking--I guess our parents just dropped us off there and picked us up later. That's where I learned to do the Hokey Pokey, and dreamed about becoming one of those Roller Derby ladies I saw on TV. We had skating parties for birthdays, church functions, and club outings. They had spotlight skating, speed skating, partner skating--all the traditional roller rink fun. As I was peeking into Skagit Skate, they were all doing a dance--like a line dance, and as I got to a spot where I could see what I thought was a DJ, it was actually a video playing on a huge screen. A lot has changed at the roller rink since the 60s, I guess, but it was good to see that it was the same, too. Good memories. here's my route today:

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