Today being Saturday, there was quite a bit going on at Lindsey and Carl's, so not much time to get out for a walk until after dinner, so at nearly 7:00 PM, I headed out to explore the neighborhood a bit more. I was trying to find a way to walk to the loop trail without having to negotiate the steep hill near their driveway. I ended up doing a loop walk that went 1.35 miles in just over 30 minutes, but I wasn't able to avoid hills--the steep one, yes, but not all hills altogether. The area where Lindsey and Carl live is built up on what was old orchard land--as is much of the development, I gather. But it makes for interesting yards, because many people still have remnants of orchards in their yards. Some just three

or four trees, some many more. I also passed what must have been an old sorting shed or packing shed at one time, that is for sale now. I was struck by the old building marked by a beautiful wooden oak door. It appears that someone had plans to renovate at one time. I'd like to know the history of the building. Fruit trees are starting to bloom over here, too.
Wish I knew my cherry trees from apple trees from pear trees, but I don't. Just know that these blossoms were very pretty. I am thinking they are Apple trees. Guess I'll find out later this spring when I return to the area. here's my route today:
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