It was very sunny this morning when I got up, but by mid afternoon a rain squall went through. I waited it out, and didn't go for my walk until almost 6 PM, and by then the sky was blue, the sun was out and it was in the mid 60s. It was a glorious night for a walk. I walked all around both fields; didn't break any speed records as it took me an hour, but I got in two miles of walking. It would have been a lot faster if I hadn't stopped multiple times for pictures. I think if you look at my data on AllSport's Trimble application, I actually only walked 50 minutes; the other 10 I was taking pictures. ISTE is having a photo competition where you take a picture of Stanley the Blue Bear and submit it, so I took Stanley with me tonight to the fields. Here he is in the tulips:
It looks like it will be a fun competition; I think I'll take him with me to Denver and Chicago next week.
I haven't been out to the tulip fields for a very long time; too many people and bad traffic; so the locals sort of avoid it all and as we all do with things in our own backyards, take it for granted. However, it was really nice to just spend an hour walking alone in the fields and admiring the color. Photos really don't do it justice.
Here is my route today:
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