Thursday, February 18, 2010

2/18/2010 The Port--Yet Another Route

The good thing about the Port of Skagit trails is that they are only 5 minutes from my house. Thus, a good 1 hour walk only takes about an hour and 15 minutes. If I drive somewhere like yesterday, I drive an hour and walk an hour--it can take a chunk out of my day.  The other great thing about the Port trails is that you can go so many different ways, so you can create new routes. Today we walked 2.7 miles in just under an hour. I'm getting closer to that 3 MPH pace--if I only didn't stop or slow down to take pictures....but that is one of the enjoyments of the walks--looking for new shots with my camera.
It was a beautiful day today; sunny, warm; truly seemed like a spring day--like May, certainly not like the middle of February. I even got too warm with just a sweatshirt on. I spoke to some people in Washington, DC yesterday--there is still tons of snow on the ground, and trees are breaking and falling from the snow. No cherry blossoms yet. How lucky are we out here!  Of course the big worry here now is that the tulips will be bloomed and gone by the time the Tulip Festival rolls around in April. Now wouldn't that be something! 
A bit of a challenge the next three days as I fly to Denver and then on to Colorado Springs to teach for the weekend. Already thinking about how I'll get my walks in. Stay tuned!
You can see today's route here:

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