Friday, January 22, 2010

1/22/2010 Padilla Bay Trail

Today I returned to where I started this crazy idea--back to the Padilla Bay Trail.  I was able to walk a bit farther today; the wind wasn't blowing; but my pace wasn't much faster than 21 days ago. Guess that's just as fast as my short little legs will go.  It was a very nice day for a walk, though, and the tide was out, so it was like walking in a totally different place.  Unfortunately I left my camera card at home, so I was relegated to taking photos with my cell phone.  A few turned out okay, and some even have a sort of surreal effect to them since I had to zoom in--and cell phones weren't really designed for that.

I really enjoyed the walk with the tide out; there were ducks everywhere digging down into the mud flats finding some good grub. I saw mallards, drakes, pintails of some sort, ruddy ducks, and of course seagulls.  I look forward to going back out again when the tide is out; the landscape is so different. The day was very clear, too, and I could see Mt. Baker and the Cascade Range to the southeast.  On days like this, I think about how fortunate I am to live in such a scenic place.  You can see my route here:

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