What a nice day. Too bad I had to spend a good part of it indoors. Although I did manage to get out a few times to run some errands. Seems like everywhere I looked, people were driving with the tops down on their convertibles or windows rolled down on the cars and trucks. I also noticed a lot of classic cars out today, too. I think people save those for sunny weekend days.
I walked 2.39 miles today along the Burlington Dike trail. I was all alone on the trail, so it was a good chance to be observant, but also provided me time to mull over the work I have been doing. That's a good thing about walking--it gives you time to think without any other distractions. I have really enjoyed this last month that I have been home. Tomorrow starts the beginning of a very busy month with trips to Washington, DC; Wisconsin; Wenatchee; and Denver. At least I'll have a whole new crop of pictures for everyone to see. Here's my route today: http://www.trimbleoutdoors.com/ViewTrip/750835
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
6/4/2010 Padilla Bay Dike Trail
Just over three miles today on the Padilla Bay Dike Trail. The day started out pretty gray and rainy, but by early evening it was beautiful out. Sunny, clear skies, just a tad breezy, so I opted for the scenic route. On the entire trail, I only passed two other people tonight; I guess most have something else to do on Friday nights. It was a solitary walk, good time for being alone. I decided that walking is good for the soul, mixing solitude and exercise.
It is becoming increasingly more fun to see the migration of birds on these trails. Lots of Caspian and Goldfinches here tonight, but the neatest thing I saw was an Osprey. It was sitting on one of the posts near the old shack. I had no idea what it was, and actually couldn't see it too well because of the position of the sun, but I snapped a couple of pictures hoping something would turn out. I knew it was a bird I had never seen before. On the way back along the trail was the best. The tide was way out again today, except for the channels. I watched the Osprey dive down to the water three different times attempting to catch a fish. I believe it succeeded on the third attempt, because it flew off after that. I am going to have to remember to take binoculars with me when I walk this trail. Most of the action is out over the water. Great walk tonight! Here's my route: http://www.trimbleoutdoors.com/ViewTrip/749097
It is becoming increasingly more fun to see the migration of birds on these trails. Lots of Caspian and Goldfinches here tonight, but the neatest thing I saw was an Osprey. It was sitting on one of the posts near the old shack. I had no idea what it was, and actually couldn't see it too well because of the position of the sun, but I snapped a couple of pictures hoping something would turn out. I knew it was a bird I had never seen before. On the way back along the trail was the best. The tide was way out again today, except for the channels. I watched the Osprey dive down to the water three different times attempting to catch a fish. I believe it succeeded on the third attempt, because it flew off after that. I am going to have to remember to take binoculars with me when I walk this trail. Most of the action is out over the water. Great walk tonight! Here's my route: http://www.trimbleoutdoors.com/ViewTrip/749097
Thursday, June 3, 2010
6/3/2010 Animals everywhere!
What a gorgeous evening. Because of a busy schedule today, I didn't get my walk in until after 6:00 PM tonight, but I am so glad I waited until then. All sorts of animals were out at the port. I opted to take the trail along Ovenell because I knew it would be the driest of all the routes. The birds were everywhere calling to one another. They have all migrated back home and are busy with their nests I think. Tonight I saw a black-capped chickadee, several more goldfinches, and my first killdeer. No babies around because it flew off when I approached--if they have little ones, they act wounded to draw you away from the nest.
I also saw 9 rabbits along the trail. If you walk the trails there, look carefully in the underbrush along the trails, and you can see where the rabbits are tunneling in. Most of them sat pretty still and didn't hop away when I took their pictures. I think they believe that if they freeze in position they are invisible or something.
Another thing I noticed today that I haven't ever seen was what seems to be the little buttercup flowers losing their pigmentation. They were a mix of yellow and white. Can't find any information about that though. As I was leaving the Port tonight, I spotted a Male Northern Harrier, sometimes called a Marsh Hawk. It's the first one I have ever seen. It is from the hawk family, but the male is mostly white on it's underside, with black tipped wings, and has an owlish face. At first I thought I might be seeing an albino or something, and then I did think it might be an owl as it flew towards me, but it was way too large and the wings looked more like a hawk. I looked it up when I got home. Very cool to see new birds. On the way home I passed a pond and there were 6 red-winged blackbirds all perched on old cattails. It looked like they were having a party. Fun walk tonight! http://www.trimbleoutdoors.com/ViewTrip/745781
I also saw 9 rabbits along the trail. If you walk the trails there, look carefully in the underbrush along the trails, and you can see where the rabbits are tunneling in. Most of them sat pretty still and didn't hop away when I took their pictures. I think they believe that if they freeze in position they are invisible or something.
Another thing I noticed today that I haven't ever seen was what seems to be the little buttercup flowers losing their pigmentation. They were a mix of yellow and white. Can't find any information about that though. As I was leaving the Port tonight, I spotted a Male Northern Harrier, sometimes called a Marsh Hawk. It's the first one I have ever seen. It is from the hawk family, but the male is mostly white on it's underside, with black tipped wings, and has an owlish face. At first I thought I might be seeing an albino or something, and then I did think it might be an owl as it flew towards me, but it was way too large and the wings looked more like a hawk. I looked it up when I got home. Very cool to see new birds. On the way home I passed a pond and there were 6 red-winged blackbirds all perched on old cattails. It looked like they were having a party. Fun walk tonight! http://www.trimbleoutdoors.com/ViewTrip/745781
6/2/2010 And the wind doth blow...
Wow! What weird spring weather. After it finished raining like crazy for the last several days, it quit today, but was replaced by very strong winds. My friend Christie and I opted for the Port trails today, knowing that we can stay in the woods for a good part of the time and be protected from the wind. We had barely started out when we came across a fairly good sized tree blocking the trail--downed by the wind. I took a picture of it, but for some odd reason, have lost all the pictures I took today. Very strange. Anyway, we were pretty protected from the wind most of the walk, and I got too hot--was definitely overdressed. Although it was windy, it was actually quite warm. We joked along the way about what we'd do if a tornado came through the area--the weather seemed tornadoish, and I had just watched a tornado movie the night before on TV. Funny how your imagination starts playing off your recent events. I can tell you that if one comes our way on the Port Trails, we will jump into a ditch or a culvert! Luckily that is highly unlikely, as this is not tornado country we live in. The wind really hit us on the final leg of the walk--hard for me to stand upright at times, although Christie didn't seem to be having any problem. I'm not sure if that was because I'm shorter than her or wider than her. 2.3 miles today, though. Good walk! http://www.trimbleoutdoors.com/ViewTrip/745781
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
6/1/2010 The Tommy Thompson Trail
The tide was way out today, so the seagulls were very busy eating clams. It is very interesting to watch. They fly around, dive down and grab a clam, then fly over the trail and drop the clam so the shell breaks. Then they land and enjoy their feast. How did they figure out how to do that? The trail is littered with shells on both sides, and we watched one seagull perform his little dining episode right in front of us. They do make a bit of a mess, though, because it seems they also use that opportunity to go the bathroom, too. Well, why not. Here's my route: http://www.trimbleoutdoors.com/ViewTrip/744697 It looks better if you zoom in on it. Try satellite view also.
Monday, May 31, 2010
5/31/2010 Memorial Day
Sunday, May 30, 2010
5/30/2010 New Shoes
I haven't walked all the way around the lake before, so I was surprised at all the action. Lots of people were fishing. Sort of. They cast out with a bobber on the line, then sit away from the pole and watch. None of that continually casting out and reeling in business. I did see one guy catch a fish, but before he could get it all the way in, he took a little slip and dip in the water, and then lost the fish as he brought it on shore. Pretty funny to me. Not to him. You sure don't need anything special to walk around the lake. People were dressed in every kind of clothing, including one man with no shirt on. Now, since it raining, I thought that was a little much. Bikers, joggers, strollers, walkers--they were all out today, and the fact that it was sprinkling didn't deter anyone. It was a nice way to spend part of my day. All in all I walked 3.2 miles. Easily got in my 10,000 steps today! Here's my route: http://www.trimbleoutdoors.com/ViewTrip/741659
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